Friday, January 1, 2010

2010: the best year of my life so far

Tonight I went to my church, NWCC, to help out with the middle and high school youth group new year's eve party. Most of them had their own groups of friends, caught up in them and running around excited as I watched from a distance. And when the youth pastor tried to talk to them to explain rules of games and stuff it took like 10 minutes to get them to stop talking and I remembered why I will never teacher middle and high school in a public school. :-) Anyways, I mostly hung out with one of the middle school girls, she's 12 (maybe 13?) and she's awesome. When we played sardines, we were picked to hide together, and it took 20 minutes before anyone found us, hahaha. I'd like to play sardines with adults some day, because they'd play it right. With the youth they're all SO LOUD when they play, and when we were found they all yelled and weren't quiet about it at all, or traveled in big groups so everybody found you at once. It was annoying. "Hey! Are you the ones hiding?" No, we're just bored of playing and decided to take a nap. Ugh. And one of the boys who was either 11 or 12, seemed facinated by me because he kept asking me a million questions. "You're in college? You don't live with your parents? What is your job going to be after college?" Hahaha.
As my break has gone on, my regular bedtime of 1:30-2:00 AM has slowly changed to 3:00-4:00. NOT good. Because then I wake up around 1 PM. But at night I get so much done! I get caught up watching movies/tv, cleaning, or whatever and I just get on a roll. And I'm never tired. I'm not tired but I go to sleep fast. But that's just during the break really. During the school year I get SO tired even when I get enough sleep each night, and end up taking too many naps. I need to find a better balance of sleep....

So I have goals for 2010, not "resolutions." And they're not for the whole year, it's just from now til May, which is quite long enough! I feel like reolutions are too big, to broad. Really vague, and they're supposed to last a year. Sometimes you can't say that you're going to do something for a whole year! You have to take it a day at a time sometimes! Or set smaller goals. The only "resolution" for 2010 I would say I have, that is very big, broad, and vague, is to make 2010 the best year of my life. I plan on doing this by stepping out of my normal, boring, stressful life and doing more fun things, not stay so busy, take more time to do things with other people, and do things that will make this year memorable instead of a blur. So, here's to 2010 being great.

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