Sunday, January 3, 2010

This post has no main topic or subject. Hence this wonderful title.

Today was church. Some days I just don't feel like being all sociable and talking to a bunch of people, and today was one of those days. I'm not even sure why, I had no reason, I just didn't feel like it. But I did anyways. Then I had lunch with my parents and some of their friends at a mexican restaurant. When I got home I was so tired because I hardly slept at all last night, but I'm trying to get back a normal sleep schedule so I didn't want to take a nap, but the nap won the war. I slept for 4 hours. Sigh. It's about to be 10:00 and I'm just now hungry for dinner. Also need to get back in the habit of eating at normal times.

Classes start Thursday and I'm battling between hating it and being ok with it. I've done most of what I wanted to do on my 5 week break. I'm ready to move forward in finishing this semester, not necessarily glad to be back in classes and a hectic schedule. And this 5 weeks (ok, it's been 4, but this week will be 5) has really cleared my head. I've got some clearer goals in mind, and some stronger sense of direction. There's some things in my life that I've looked at and realized I need to get rid of, and some things that I want to add.

This weekend I go to the retreat with the middle and high schoolers. There's about 35 youth and 9 adults, all in one big cabin! Whoo! Yes, I am excited about this. Although I may not get much sleep, some fun things will be happening.

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