Saturday, January 23, 2010

My saturday went by too fast.

Today I went to the gym at my college. They have a  new rule that you have to wear short sleeve shirts or else you can't work out there. I guess I understand, but when it's 35 degrees outside it's kind of hard to put on a short sleeves shirt when you don't want to bring a jacket in to the gym! Their lockers used to have locks but they don't anymore! And I don't want my stuff to be stolen. So I just drug my stuff around with me. I read a book while walking on the tredmill for 40 minutes, then did a bunch of weight machines.

Then I went to the grocery store and got LOTS of healty food! I actually excited about it! It looks like a lot of it will taste good! When I got home I was like, "Wow, so what do I eat first?" since it was lunch time. After that I was on the computer some then took a nap because I was suddenly exahusted even though I slept 9 hours last night. And here I am. It's almost 9:00, still need a shower, got to go to bed by 12 since church is tomorrow, and I still have a mountain of homework to do. Sigh. Man my saturday snuck away quick.

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