Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why yes, I do buy myself valentine's presents, and it's fun.

Have you seen the commercials or videos online about Wii fit plus?? Oh man, that's next on my list to get!!! It looks so cool! I hate that it's so expensive - I don't have a Wii so I'd have to buy that with it. But, we'll see. Maybe I can just stop eating out so much and buy it. Maybe I will buy it on valentines day. I buy myself valentines presents because I dont' have a boyfriend, and so I might as well get something for myself! Haha. Last year I bought myself some chocolate, a big bear to sleep with because my other one was getting old, some twistable crayons which are so cool, and something else I think. It was fun. :-)

This morning in my art class it was boring, but then we got to do a collage of "About me" and I had ordered some pictures I'd taken from snapfish, so I used those. It was actually ok, and we show them to the class next week. As I drove home, I tried to think about something good for each class. For art, it's ok because sometimes we'll do creative things in there that I don't mind. And at least it's not the same level of homework and stress level as math or science. In Math, it's geometry and not Algebra. In my preschool cirriculum class I have a friend in there (Heather Manston) and even though the class sounds boring and a waste of my time, I'm sure I'll learn something. In my special ed class I know that information will come in handy. And in my dance class although I'm not enjoying it so far, I'm at least getting excersize! Which is totally need! And i made a new friend in there.

Tonight is bible study. Friday I'm going to visit my friend Kelly Newton about an hour and 15 min away to have lunch with her. We were going to see a movie but couldn't get the right time for the movie we wanted to see.

My loan money comes in this week! Whew! It's down to the wire folks. About time it comes in.

Last night I bombed at doing homework. Monday we had no classes b/c it was a holiday and I did a lot of homework and was proud of myself for getting so much done, and last night I hardly did any. I was frustrated when I couldn't find an article to write about for my preschool class, and then I just didn't feel like doing the rest, so I just didn't. Bah. So now it is beginning to pile up again.

So I've never really watched the show "Friends" because I was too young when it was on TV and then even when i was old enough I just didn't watch TV much. Sat night some friends from church let me borrow season 1 to watch and I started watching some yesterday. They're only 30 min long which is funny because so many shows are an hour now. Anyways, I haven't really thought it was that great yet, but it ran for 11 years and I know so many people who LOVED it so I'll keep watching. However, nothing tops Gilmore Girls. :-)

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