Friday, January 22, 2010


Wow. This morning in my dancing class my teacher was in a bad mood. She would show us the steps for a new dance, and then push play on the music and expect us to do it. Then when we'd get it wrong or with the "wrong form" she'd get all mad at us. All of the dances are fast and make you breathe hard, and she pushed us straight for 45 minutes. She told us to count out loud and I couldn't because I was breathing so hard, and then she got mad that we weren't all counting out loud. At one point she said, "Ok, next dance" and I just left to get water because I was dripping sweat and so tired. She saw me going off and then said, "Oh, do you guys want to take a water break?" and everyone said, "Yes!" We've learned 6 dances in 2 class periods. BAH. It's not fun because she's so strict about it and we go so fast. On top of that we have to know the history of the dance, the country it orriginated in, etc. and I really could care less. Thakfully it's only a 1 credit class whereas most are 3 credit classes.

You know when you are doing work and you SO don't get it that you literally want to cry? Or do cry? that would be my math class. It's geometry. Which i took in 10th grade 6 or 7 years ago, so I thought it'd be fine, but it's not. It's so hard!!!! It's not stuff I ever remember learning. And she grades homework for ACURRACY!! Dang! So I got a 79 on the first homework but she said it's not a big deal because we have homework due every week. And during the 2nd class she gave us a pop quiz on stuff from the 1st day of class and said, "Oh no need to worry, it's easy." I made a 64. Yep. Got it back today. So, today was not such a great day overall. I got home at 5:45 and went to sleep until 8:30.

I'm so ready to be done with college, and I know the next year of student teaching and all that goes with it is going to be hard. I just don't want to do it. I understand why people drop out of college, or take a semester off here and there. It's hard!!! And draining! And it irks me when I hear people say, "Oh yeah, college was so easy. Especially the core classes." Not for me! The whole 4 years I've been here has been an uphill battle and I have struggled to keep a good GPA.

Side note - I looked for the Wii fit plus in wal-mart and the guy said they've been out of stock for a while, and even out of wii's. Online same thing! I don't understand - why can't they just make more!? Geez.

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