Friday, January 8, 2010

Jennifer stories

I call them Jennifer stories. They're things that would of course happen to me. They happen just about every day. Sometimes rediculous or funny or strange.

It snowed yesterday and today our driveway is still covered in snow. So I wanted to go out and take a picture. It wasn't snow, it was ice. I fell. My feet went out from under me and I hit hard, and then I couldn't stand up because of the ice, so I had to crawl back on my butt and hands, and it was so cold! Note to self - feel the ground before I start walking on it when it looks like snow!!! So, no picture.

Yesterday when I was at the food court place at my college, you have to scan your card and then walk through the turning metal bars. I scanned my card, the lady said, "Ok go ahead," so I walked full speed ahead into it and it's always worked before. BAM! I walked hard into it and it banged into my legs, not moving. Ow. "Oh, you have to wait a second....ok now go." If I had to wait a second, why didn't she say so! She said go ahead! It's like, "Go wait......ok go ahead."

Ok, heading out to Tennessee in a few hours. Bye!

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