Monday, January 25, 2010

Lesson learned - even if you put a few drops of the wrong soap in the washer, it will take hours to get out


This afternoon I loaded up the dishwasher and absent-mindedly poured in regular soap instead of dishwasher soap. Well, let me rerphrase that. It's the liquid soap you use to hand wash dishes. But I knew it was wrong to use and even says so on the back. So I scooped it out with a teaspoon, but didn't get it ALL out. And so when I poured in the regular dishwasher soap and started it up, it started to bubble up and pour out onto the floor. :-( I stopped it, and turned on the dry cycle and let the bubbles go down. When I came back, the bubbles were gone but there was still standing water. Well I tried again and same problem. So I had to scoop out the water with a cup, and run it again. (Without adding soap!) Repeat all of the above for about 3 times. Then it was finally ok! Whew. By now those dishes must be super clean!!

I practiced dancing for my dance class and felt rediculous dancing around the living room to these strange foreign dances. Then I watched some "Friends" episodes. Trying to do some homework too, but I counted the dancing as homework because I have to know those dances. Tomorrow I only have one class but he cancelled it, and the family I baby-sit for won't need me tomorrow, so I have a day off! Well, not "off" because I have a mountain of homework to do, but it's cool that I get to take that day to get it all done.

I've realized recently a huge pet peeve I have. I've known before that its been frustrating to me, but never to the extent that it is. I realized it last week (or the week before?) when I was in class and these two guys were talking when someone else was talking, and when the teacher was talking. I was so mad I could feel my heart beating faster. And then other times occured to me that it happens and I can't stand it. In youth group when we're singing or the youth pastor is talking and there are people whispering and acting up it drives me insane. And no matter how many times I tell them to be quiet, they aren't. In church when people talk or comment through the whole thing, oh my gosh. Wait til the end!!

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