Friday, January 22, 2010


Today I drove an hour and 20 minutes out to see my friend Kelly Newton in Carrollton. She goes to West Georgia. We ate at a place very similar to Moe's and talked for a long time, then went to "the square" which is very similar to Marietta Square. We got some coffee first. They have no starbucks in Carrollton! Craziness! And no drivethrough coffee places - you have to go inside to all of them. I may never live there simply because of that. :-) Then we went into a little bookstore with gifts and books in there, and a cat who walks around. Don't they know that people could be allergic to cats? Or seriously hate them? Oh well, interesting concept. We went to several other stores with random things in them before I headed home - I left around 3:30. It was a good afternoon. I'm not sure why, but at one point I remembered me being 12 and Kelly 13 years old, and us wanting to go somewhere without our parents. We wanted them to drop us off somewhere, but my parents wouldnt' let us and it made me mad. And I suddenly today thought, "Hey, here we are, 10 years later doing whatever we want by ourselves" and it was funny. It's like the kid in me said, "HEY! Yes! You're finally there, where you wanted to be! Independent!" (Uh, besides the financial part of it but that's ok!!)

Kelly graduates from college this May! And I'm excited for her! But she has no idea where she'll get a job. She will be looking for jobs in a PR area, but she doesn't know where she wants to live. She wants to live in Savannah, and so do I, so I told her if she got a job down there, I'd follow her down there next year if I could get a job too. Haha. But, who knows.

Even though it's cool to have Fridays off in college (what an awsome thing that is for KSU to do! Thank you KSU!), with education majors we always have field experience and it takes up our Fridays. I will have to help for 35 hours in a preschool, and I might be starting next Friday. I also baby-sit 2:30-5:30 on Fridays, but today they didn't need me.

Tomorrow I'm going to the gym for the first time in like 3 years. Yes, please laugh. Then I'm going to do lots of homework until it's done. Also going to do some of that tonight mixed in with watching either "Gilmore Girls" or "Friends" when I'm sick of homework, and then go back to homework.

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