Saturday, February 2, 2019

My God is working through the night

A doughnut without the yeast
A video game without a controller
A wrestling match with no referee
A book with chapters torn out

Like paper cuts so small but painful
Like memories that flash before your eyes
Like the desire to hug someone who isn’t there
Like the phone that never rings

You left in the middle of the movie and never came back
You threw away a present before you finished opening it
You invested in years of piano lessons and then lit the piano on fire
You planted a garden and then left it to rot


But peace from the Lord.
But hope for the future.
But forgiveness.
But when I am weak, He is strong.
But trusting that God is a Promise Keeper.

In the middle of the night,
Wars were won (Judges 7:19-22)
Thousands crossed the Red Sea (Exodus 14:20-27)
Jacob wrestled with the Lord (Genesis 32:22-24)
The prayers of Paul and Silas brought earthquakes to free them from jail (Acts 16:25-34)
And so I know my God is working through my night!