Thursday, March 29, 2012


Today I got some stuff for the beach: a bathing suit, sunglasses, and sundresses, and ran a few other errands. 'Twas good.

I started Harry Potter 4. Man those books are thick. 1-3 are normal, 4-7 are giant.

I hate when you bite into a cadburry egg and the middle is dried up. It seriously tastes bad that way.

3 months til I go to Slovakia!

I really feel like Georgia will not have a spring, just skipping straight from winter to summer. It's weird.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Stuff and such

I just finished the book, "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close." Well let me tell you, it was extremely weird and incredibly stupid.

I went to Land of A Thousand Hills coffee shop in Atlanta by a river by myself and then a few weeks later with my friend Joy. It's beautiful there! There were gross, bright neon green inchworms that would hang down from trees or be on tables though, and when we got in the car to come home there was one on my pants and I just grabbed a band-aid box from behind my seat and tried to push it off, but it killed / smeared it in the process. So gross! Thankfully I was not driving. Besides the gross bugs, I like the place.

Last Sunday at one of our Slovakia meetings we discussed spiritual warefare, and the verses about the armor of God. I know those verses, but realized I don't know how to apply them. So I read this book on my kindle and it was helpful! (Posted last night what I got from it.) Slovakia is in 3 months. I've had weird dreams about it - in one I was in Slovakia and there were sidewalks with lots of platelets because it was floating on water and you could jump or run funny and the whole thing would move cool because it was on water. Ha.

Ooh, exciting news: I've wanted to go to the beach for the past 6 years and couldn't find anyone to go with me, and now I get to go mid May with several of my friends from bible study!! We'll be staying at a house right on the beach, and it will also be during my birthday! I will be turning 24! I am beyond excited about this trip!! I want to drink coffee, eat ice cream, read a book on the beach, take pretty pictures, and sit on the giant front porch of the house we'll be staying in overlooking the beach. I. Am. Stoked.

Sometimes in life things happen and you have no idea why. You might realize or assume why many years later, but sometimes you just have no idea. And other times God is gracious enough to be more clear in showing you why He does things the way He does. This past week a friend told me something that made me see why God did something in my life. It was a realization that made me say, "God, thank you for saying no to my asking before. Thank you for knowing it wasn't good for me. Thank you for creating circumstances that protected me from a much deeper hurt than I have felt so far." It's like when you read a book and at the end of it you go, "OH! That's how it connected!" or you see how things events in the beginning that were confusing are then made clear. It is like that with our lives, and the fuzzy stuff that we go through leads to His ultimate glory and His protecting arm in our lives even if it hurts during the time being.  Sometimes it may just be that "xyz" is a really good option / choice / circumstance, but God has something even better than that. If I don't get a really good job, it might be because God has a great one for me or one where I am better used. I think this applies to all areas in life.

Monday, March 26, 2012

What does putting on the armor of God really look like?

In preparation for our mission trip to Slovakia this summer, our group talked about spiritual warfare in one of our meetings last Sunday. Although I’ve heard the verses about putting on the full armor of God, I realized I didn’t know how to actually do that! So I looked up a book about it on amazon and downloaded it to my kindle. I learned a lot from it and a few people asked me to share.

One thing I really appreciate about the book is that the author uses a LOT of scripture. Having an opinion on something important isn’t all that helpful. The bible is truth, so it’s important to use.

The book is called, “Dressed to Kill,” by Rick Renner. Renner states early on in the book that some people go overboard with thinking everything is a spiritual attack and that satan is just constantly bombarding them, when in reality that may not be true. “The lack of peace or presence of chaos doesn’t always mean satan is attacking us, it may be that you have disobeyed God or scripture. So before you run out to fight the devil, look in the mirror!” Of course there will be problems when there is a sin left un-dealt with.

The scripture used for this overall is Ephesians 6:10-18.

Belt of Truth

Renner talks in detail about what the Roman soldier’s armor looked like and the purposes of each piece because that is where Paul got his idea from. The belt of truth it not a “belt” in the sense of what we think of as a belt. It was technically called a “loin belt.” It is first in Paul’s list of things because it is the most important to the armor: it holds up the shoes and metal that goes from the shoes upward, it holds down the breastplate, and it is what the sword is attached to. Without it, the armor falls apart. The “truth” is the Bible / God’s word.

Breastplate of righteousness

Hebrews 5:13-14, “Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish between good and evil.” The Bible shows you what is right and what is wrong/good and bad, and we can distinguish this through constant use of reading it! The breastplate on the Roman soldiers consisted of a front and a back as well. It went down to the knees.

Shoes of peace

The Roman soldier’s shoes were made of metal and also had metal that covered their shins. I read this first and was a little confused. I liked the New Living Translation wording: Ephesians 6:15, “For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.” Peace comes from the Good News…the bible! Colossians 3:16, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” (Emphasis added was mine.) I think it is so true that in focusing on the things we’re thankful for, we’re more aware of how many blessings God has given us! And again, letting the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.

The Roman soldier’s shoes however, had huge spikes on the bottom of them, to protect them from walking on thorns and rocks, but also to hurt enemies. What a weird contrast right? Shoes of peace with spikes? But check this out. Romans 16:20, “The God of Peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.” Ha! Getting rid of Satan’s attack brings peace!

Shield of faith

Proverbs 30:5, “Every word of God is flawless; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.” Here, and in many other scriptures, God is described as a shield for us. This verse also talks about God’s words being flawless. When we “drop our shields” we are more prone to attacks, and we drop it by not reading our bible, not praying, and not keeping up our relationship with God. The Roman soldier’s shields were about as big as a door! They covered their entire body, not just part of them. They were also able to stand all in a line and connect all of their shields together as they marched forward. This is a reminder that we must have others with us to pray with, encourage each other, and help us push forward in life.

Helmet of salvation

2 Timothy 3:15, “You have been taught the holy scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus.” Along with that, the helmet protects our head / brain. When we are constantly in the Word and reminded of who God is, it protects us from satan’s lies.

Sword of the Spirit

Ephesians 6:17-18 already says, “…and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. And pray in all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” Some “swords” that the Roman soldiers used were more for throwing from a long distance with long poles and a sharp point at the end called a lance. This is like prayer – no matter where we are or where someone else is, our prayers reach them and our prayers reach God. Also Hebrews 4:12 describes the bible like a sword. “For the Word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”

When satan was tempting Jesus in the desert, how did Jesus respond? With scripture! So should we! Sometimes we see satan attack in more physical ways, but other times it’s in our minds. We start to believe lies, insecurities, or emotions, and let them control our actions. Renner gave the example of how in David and Goliath, Goliath didn’t even physically do anything to paralyze the whole army against him!! He simply threatened, bullied, and yelled insults.

In seeing that the bible is so important, let’s just put it out there that it is hard to know where to read sometimes, or repetitive for those who have read it their whole lives, or hard to understand. But don’t let that stop you. Look up specific words through Get other books to help you dig in such as devotionals, bible study books for yourself or you and a friend, commentary books on particular books in the bible, different “plans” found online. And I know some people say they hate to read / can’t focus but there are other ways to take it in! There’s bible on CD / ipod so you could listen while driving, running on the treadmill, etc. Sometimes you could just ask a friend or someone in your church, “Hey, what can you suggest for me to read in the bible?” or tell them what kind of things you’re going through and they might say, “Oh, you’ll love the book of James then because that would fit right with what you’re dealing with.” Ask around!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Starbucks and life

I've been working at Starbucks for 3 months now. Besides actually making the drinks, there are other things to do... You have to brew coffee every 10-30 minutes depending on how many types are brewing. Each one can't sit longer than 30 minutes, plus during busy times they'll run out before it's time to brew more so you have to watch it and brew more. There's always a ton of dishes. You have to make more whip creams. Change all the trash cans when they get full in the bathrooms, out in the cafe, outside, and behind the counter where we work. Cleaning and restocking bathrooms and the condiment bar. Sweeping and moping. Marking out pastires and foods that expire each night. Making more mocha (the syrup has to be made by hot water and some powder and mixed together), more frappachino roast (the coffee that goes into the frappachinos are different than the espresso in the other coffees), and ice coffee. Restocking cups, lids, sweet and low, splenda, raw sugar, and honey. Deep cleaning certain things on certain days, doing inventory once a week, and dusting the light fixtures up high on the ceiling.

Brewed coffee, lates with different flavors, frappachinos, hot teas, iced teas, ice teas with lemonade, smoothies, breakfast sandwiches or lunch paninis in the oven, pastries, gift cards, pounds of coffee ground for specific types of machines people have at home, boxed or bottled drinks (kids chocolate milk, regular kids milk, apple juice, bottled water, izzys, double shot espresso, naked juice). Decaf or regular, different types of milk, different syurps, different options (like no foam, no whip cream, certain temperatures like extra hot or less hot), different sizes, different number of pumps or scoops of things for different sized drinks....

Buttons galore on the cash registar, headsets, drivethrough, dicounts, special deals / cupons, drink holders, spill stoppers, SPEED, can't get the top on so it explodes or overflows, drop stuff, oven breaks and keeps beeping, fridge breaks and everything melts / gets warm and gross, fridge freezes everything so it explodes or pours out frozen bits of heavy whipping cream, tips get stolen, people are angry, people are happy, people talk too much, people are on their phone while ordering, coordinating everyone getting a ten minute break every 2 hours and a 30 minute break to eat every 4 hours, running out of something important (LIKE TOILET PAPER or recipet paper, or COFFEE to brew!!!!) and having to call another nearby starbucks and send someone to go get stuff, different coworkers and their quirks and personalities (some matching, some clashing), phone ringing.

Did I lose you? :-) Cause I lost myself.

And you thought we just made your coffee in a few seconds and handed it out. Ha. :-p So did I before working there.

Besides Starbucks, which is 28-38 hours of my week, I'm in the middle of Harry Potter 3 right now, deep in the castle of Hogwarts, anticipating the battle of good verses evil. I'm learning about the culture and language of Slovakia with meetings every other week or so as we prepare to go this late June - early July. I'm watching several TV shows, some of which are wrapping up soon and some of which are just starting. My two bible studies are keeping me on my toes and I love the friendships I have there. I'm passively looking for a second job or a full time salary paid job. I eat 2-4 cadburry eggs a night. :-) I love the time I get to spend with my friends eating meals or drinking starbucks and having long conversations. Saving money is hard.