Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Starting classes tomorrow

Tomorrow I start my classes. Let me clarify that by saying I have 3 of my classes tomorrow, Thursday, and then the rest start on Monday. Who thought it was a good idea to start classes on Thursday? I have always hated the first week of classes because even though this is my 8th semester of college, I still get anxious about it. I still hate the new-ness of it all. Not knowing where to sit, who to talk to, seeing the whole semester's work layed out in front of you all at one time, getting into the routine of things.....I just don't enjoy it. I don't like going to bed early, getting up early, and having homework.
However, it might snow tomorrow! Here in GA it never snows. Also, on Friday I leave for TN for the weekend, so that will be good.

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