Monday, December 7, 2009

Friends...or the lack of friends

I don't think I will ever delete my facebook because it is the only way I keep up with 500 people - I don't have their cell phones or e-mail address for the most part - so for those who have deleted their profiles I no longer no how to reach them. Anyways, but one day I plan on not getting on for a few months because at some times I want to go to a movie or call someone, and realize I don't really have friends. Or the ones I do have are "too busy." Some are legitamately busy - I get it, I know what busy is. That's me too a lot of times. But then other people say they're too busy but they could have time if they made it. Anyways, one day I'm going to disapear and if people really want to be my friend they'll have to do something about it. I've heard the same from other people my age or in college, so I hope this is just a phase that will pass. I want someone who will actually make an effort and BE my friend. Someday.

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