Friday, January 29, 2016

I hope when I'm married...

We're in a relationship series with bible study right now, and tonight was about dating and marriage. So excuse me for a moment while I talk about what I hope my future marriage looks like. 

I hope we play games together. Video games, card games, board games. Just us two, or with friends. On the same team or opposing. I hope we go cool new places together, and travel places (that aren't too expensive) like cabins in the mountains, Savannah Georgia, Islands of Adventure, stay in a real tree house overnight somewhere, and fun new places in Atlanta. I hope that we read books together so we can talk about them and learn new things together. I hope we have friends over for parties at holidays and birthdays or random Friday nights, and also invite single people over because we won't exclude them. I hope we still go on dates when we're married, and sit in coffee shops together. I hope we go on marriage retreats together. I hope we laugh until we cry, we take a million pictures of our lives but don't have to share them with everybody on social media, and we can tell each other jokes. I hope we will still hand write letters to each other after we're married. 

I hope we serve the Lord together, both in church and outside of church. I hope we can make meals for people who just had a baby or just came home from the hospital, and give them gift cards and and bring them things they need. I hope we go on mission trips together, in the US and overseas. I hope we help with all ages of the church at some point in life - elementary school kids, middle schoolers, high schoolers, college age, young singles, young married couples and more. I hope we always receive and seek out great advice and knowledge from those older and farther along in life than us, and then continuously pour that back out to others. I hope we read the same books of the bible at times (but not always), and study them together, and bring our different thoughts and perspectives to the table. I hope we further the Kingdom of God more together than we did apart. I hope we can hold each other accountable to things, help each other reach goals together, and fight the battles of life together. 

I hope that we communicate well, and argue well. I hope we apologize well and become more selfless. I hope that we can always encourage each other, and that he learns to lead well and I learn to follow well. I hope that we can give each other constructive criticism when needed. I hope I can learn to show him love the best with his love language, and that he will learn to love me the best based on mine, even if they are different. 

I hope that some day I read this again when I've been married for a few years and say, "Yes! I'm so glad this actually happened." 

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