Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Looking back at 2015

I love the end of December when I reflect on my year... I make lists of things that happened, things I learned, things I did for the first time, books I read... Sometimes I make picture slideshows, sometimes I don't. It's not the end of December yet, but I'm starting my lists now anyways. Maybe I'll add to them at the end of December if something changes. :-) 

Books I read this year
Thanks to Goodreads.com I have the list handy! 
1. Prayer Warier, by Stormie Martin
2. Passion and Purity, by Elizabeth Elliot
3. You and Me Forever, by Francis and Lisa Chan
4. The Maze Runner, by James Dashner
5. Hacker, by Ted Dekker
6. I Am Not But I Know I Am, by Louie Giglio
7. Angles Walking, by Karen Kingsbury
8. Chasing Sunsets, by Karen Kingsbury
9. Ordinary, by Michael Horton
10. Breathe, by Priscilla Shirer
11. The Shadow of the Wind, by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
12. Compulsion, by Martina Boone
13. The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
14. Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis
15. Fervent, by Priscilla Shirer
16. Persuasion, by Martina Boone

Firsts in 2015
-I joined the hospitality team at church to greet people on Sunday mornings
-Took my first two senior pictures
-Took pictures for a house to sell
-Took staff photos for my church
-Hiked ALL of Kennesaw Mountain (6 miles, 3 hours-ish)
-Played Settlers of Catan
-Had bubble tea
-Had a nutella milkshake (YUM)
-Had mac and cheese pizza
-Went to an Australian bakery/cafe
-Took pictures for a girl's first birthday 
-Took newborn pictures with his siblings
-I went on a date to a fancy restaurant called "Elevation" and had a strawberry kiwi margarita with nitrogen, where it was the texture of sherbet and it was pouring out fog
-Going to take pictures in 2 weeks for a fancy holiday party for a company
-Went to new coffee shops in Atlanta

Other events in 2015
-Helped out with a middle and high school girls retreat / weekend
-Went to 2 funerals
-Went to Piedmont park with my friend Joy
-Wrote on the floors of our new church building we are moving into and took pictures for it
-Took family Christmas pictures
-Went to Tacoma, WA for my younger cousins' wedding
-Went on 2 leadership retreats
-Went to a baptism at the lake for people at church who wanted to get baptized
-Went to "Celebrate Freedom" - a Christian concert with different artists, with my friend Emily
-Did lots of things for people's birthday! 
-Had worship nights with my bible study where I sang
-For my birthday, they gave me a cookie cake at Steak and Shake, I had Mellow Mushroom with some of my closest friends, went to the Cheesecake Factory with my friend Kesley, and more!
-I had breakfast, lunch, dinner, and coffee with far more people than I could possibly count or keep up with. Lol. 
-I got rid of all my teacher stuff - lesson plans, teacher books, resources, classroom decorations, etc. 
-Took pictures at our church's fall festival
-Took pictures for a golf tournament to raise money for people going to Slovakia
-I finished up helping with administrative things for Kenya stuff at my home church
-I had a few weeks of a terrible job that I thankfully didn't leave Starbucks for yet

Things I learned this year
-I don't ever want to be that girl who likes a guy and proceeds to like and comment on everything he posts. If we're in a relationship then cool, I'll like whatever I want to. 
-I really grew in how to study the bible this year, how to write good questions for our bible study, and how to dig deeper in the Word
-I learned what it looked like to watch 9 season of How I Met Your Mother in a short amount of time, and then realize I needed a severe break from binge watching tv
-I continued to learn the importance of good communication - amongst friends, coworkers, family members, in frustrating times, in good times, and in confusion, and how important it is to use your words instead of ignoring someone or assuming something or staying mad at somebody or being passive aggressive
-Sometimes I have too high of expectations of others. Sometimes I have to lower my expectations of others, or manage my disappointment better. 
-I'm not responsible for everyone else's walk with the Lord. I can lead well, share well, pray for them, help them, and be there for them, but the most important thing is that MY walk with God is good and am doing what He asks of me and the rest is up to Him. I can't force people to be more disciplined or read the bible more or feel more convicted of their sin if they aren't. 
-I've always known how important friendship is, but this year has been a deeper understanding of friendship. There have been times when I was crying and needed people to talk to and I talked to them on the phone or went to their house. There was a time when someone tried to steal my dad's tire off his car when my parents were out of town and I freaked out and someone came over to put it back on. There were times when a friend was tired but they talked to me anyways. There were times when friends prayed for me wherever we were. I saw unconditional love, honesty, patience, and encouragement. I saw us sharpen each other. 

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