Friday, December 4, 2015

When we don't know what to pray...

My brain is full. It's too full. It's overflowing. I wish it would stop. 

I had lunch with my friend Emily today, and we talked for FOUR hours! It was great. But my brain is still full steam ahead. Like what the heck, why can't I have used up my words for the day? I talked to my parents for a while tonight too. It's not just today, it's been all week. I've been around people still... but I feel like something is missing. 

You know those times when you pray one thing, and follow it up with the exact opposite? Not because you are being selfish on one hand and then saying, "But your will be done," but because you don't know what to pray? Like, "Please help me to get this job, I really hope this is the job you want for me. But if it isn't, please help me not to want it. Please help me just be ok with not getting it, and know that you have something else for me later. But I want this job. But if I shouldn't have it, because maybe it's actually a terrible job, then I'm glad you won't let me have it. Then what job am I supposed to have? Why can't you help me get the RIGHT job now? Please help THIS one be the right one. I hope this is it..." 

I mean, what does God even do with prayers like that? Side note - that's not happening right now. It's happened in the past for sure, but I'm not currently talking about that. That's just my example because I don't feel like talking about what I'm actually praying about. Side note over. I hope that even in my confusion of what to pray for, or when my head and heart are saying opposite things to God, that He doesn't let those prayers be wasted. Even that thought process - I KNOW prayer can't be wasted, but I FEEL like it sometimes is. But I know scripture trumps feelings. 

I know that, "The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words." (Romans 8:26) That's such a cool thing! 

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