Sunday, January 8, 2012

Slovakia, camera, Starbucks, book

I was going to go to Kenya this July for my 3rd mission trip there after not going for 3 years, but long story short I have decided to go to Slovakia instead with my young adults' bible study from North Star Church at the end of June to mid July! It's been on my mind for the past 2 years and I always said I would go "some day" but decided now is as good a time as ever. Bittersweet that I'm not going to Kenya, but I have a lifetime ahead of me to take mission trips there and other places. I am very excited about this trip and what God will do there!

I bought a new camera the other day and it will come in next Friday. It's a nicer camera than my current one, so I am excited for it to come! Also glad I'll have it to take to Slovakia!

At Starbucks this week I've made more drinks on my own which is good. I'm glad I can do that because it's hard when I can only do the cash registar and someone orders 10 drinks, and then I stand there idle as one other person makes all the drinks frantically. I'm really thankful for most of the people I work with....they are funny, fun to talk to, and nice to me. 

I picked up this kids chapter book at the store the other day, probably for 8-11 year olds, and it looked cute. I read kids chapter books sometimes because they're usually creative and fun, and I keep them for my possible-someday classroom. Well as I started reading it, I thought, "What the heck?! This is terrible!" and I don't even want to give it away because it's bad and I threw it away. Yes, I threw the book away. It's not a good feeling, but it's bad! The concept is good, and it's creative, but at the beginning it talks about how a baby was put in a basket and put out to sea and some black birds came and pecked the baby's eyes out so now it's blind. When the boy is older and he's traveling with some magical creature to find a lost kingdom, more black birds come and attack and kill their guide by pecking him to death! And all this stuff where I don't think kids should read it! It's gross! Gah! 

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