Sunday, January 22, 2012

Let it rain

Ohhh yes. This is my third post within like 2 hours. Because I feel like it that's why.

And yes, it's 2:34 AM! I never actually get tired, I just make myself go to bed.

Anyways, last night at work, as in Friday night (this post will show as Sunday), it was pouring rain. At work / Starbucks, I said to Adam, "I like the sound of rain, especially when I'm at home in my room, reading a book, or going to sleep." So last night I was trying to go to sleep but my brain would not turn off. I kept thinking about things and was frustrated about some things. The thought crossed my mind, " you hear me? Do you hear my prayers? Do you do anything about it, or are things already decided?" I kept thinking, and then the thought of the conversation about rain came to my mind. I played it like a movie over in my head, and then at that exact moment as I lay in bed it began to pour down rain ubruptly. I felt like God said, "Jennifer. I hear you." The rain poured down and I smiled. I know He hears me. But I don't know how to pray sometimes. I don't exactly know why years of "no" would come about when I feel like it's a legitamate prayer. Anyways, the timing of the rain pouring down abruptly made me smile and know that God hears me.

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