Monday, January 23, 2012


Things that make me really excited
1. New games (computer games, iphone games, wii games, etc)
2. Books/ bookstores
3. Little kids / babies
4. Beautiful clouds and sunsets
5. Seeing friends - planned or unplanned
6. Getting letters in the mail or just handed to me
7. Really good TV shows
8. Being really good at something (like my job)
9. Finding something new in the bible or reading it in a different context
10. Seeing answered prayer
11. Seeing my friends happy and succeed
12. Taking good pictures
13. Going on trips of any kind
14. Going on mission trips
15. Flying / the airport
16. Going new places
17. When I order something from amazon or ebay and it comes in the mail
18. Beautiful houses or buildings
19. Surprises (good surprises)/ small happy things in life
20. My birthday / events surrounding my birthday

Birthdays! Speaking of birthdays (no, mine is not soon), I have always loved birthdays because I had parties when I was younger and the presents were fun. I'd sit on the fireplace with all my friends on the floor and open the presents. I still love birthdays - some years I've had dinner with friends or went shopping or to the movies, nothing elaborate, but I still like them. I feel like birthdays are important because it's the one day where we celebrate YOU! You're existance! Cake, ice cream, cards, whatever... It's a fun time! So I don't understand people who don't like birthdays. I think it means getting older to some people, and that's seen as negative. I get it - people don't want to ache as they age or they're not where they wanted to be (in careers or married or whatever), but I don't think of it that way, I just think yay, it's a day to celebrate me / you!

I have this need to win games as far as video games. When my brother and I would play xbox, playstation, or computer games, I played until I won. My dad would join in sometimes... we had a Lion King pinball game on the computer and man it was the best feeling to be number one on the board. I am now the same way with Bejewelled Blitz on facebook or other games - I play til I win. I have to win. It's stupid I know. I can't get it out of me. I'm not as competitive with board games or card games and stuff like that (although uno comes close).

Surprises. I've always appreciated the little things in life. Thank goodness, because it makes normal days better. When I was younger and we went to the mall as a family, my brother and I were allowed to get 1-3 books (depending on the price) at Walden Bookstore each time we went. Oh! The excitement of picking out books!! We'd read in the car home, and since it was dark and we couldn't have the light on, we'd hold them up for the headlights on the car behind us to light up our books as long as we could. We sometimes got icees too. That was a big deal. Not that those were surprises, but they were small things. My dad would randomly buy me a barbie doll or some toy that I'd be excited about. My mom would surprise us by buying us games or a book or something when we went on long road trips, for something to do in the car. Other surprises I've loved are any presents I ever get, unexpected cards, customers at Starbucks who bring us food just to be nice, etc.

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