Saturday, December 4, 2010

This week, ladybugs, studying, and more

Monday and Tuesday were my last two days in the elementary school for this semester! I will be at a different school for full time student teaching in Jan, but I don't know where yet. I hope it is close by! I made all A's in my 4 classes that were the 1st 10 weeks of the semester, and an A for the student teaching part! Yay!

Thursday I had starbucks with my friend Kaylene. Time always flies when I'm with her and we don't get together much because of our busyness, so it's always good to catch up. Since we're trying not to spend much money, we're going on Monday to Tartget and Books-A-Million just to look around but not buy anything. :-) Bible study on Wed and Thur nights were both good. I really appreciate the people in both. Last night I had dinner with some friends from my classes this semester, 8 of us came, and it was realy good as well.

One thing I realized at dinner last night, is that I'm not the only one who gets caught up in rediculous things and wonders why I do it. For example, the computer game "The Sims." I have Sims 3 but it is not currently loaded onto my computer. It's one of those games that you play for HOURS on end. One of my friends last night, Evan, said he just bought the game. He had played Sims 1 and loved it, but is just now getting Sims 3 and was even more ecstatic. On the other side of the table I heard my friend Sarah say how she was on Facebook too much, and even when she said she wouldn't get on, she still does. Ditto. I glanced at the TV at some point during our dinner....of the million TV's at Taco Mac....and saw a commercial for some video game, and reviews from places were on there. One was saying, "So addicting, you'll love it." It seems that entertainment industries aim to get us addicted, because it means they'll make more money. And maybe some people don't mind being stuck on those things, but it is actually NOT GOOD! It's so easy to joke about being addicted to facebook because it seems like SO many people are, but it really isn't. Sometimes I am more pulled in by the fact that I'm waiting for someone to reply to a message I sent them, or waiting to see someones pictures because I know they were on a honeymoon or vacation or something, trying to catch someone on chat, or I am expecting something. Other times I'm just on. :-(

On a different note, I hate ladybugs!!! Our house has always had a lot of them that come at random times of the year. We're surrounded by trees, so that doesn't help. They're attracted to heat, so when it's a really warm day they come in, or when it's really cold outside and warm inside they come in.....I can't even figure out what time of year they come more. But right now they are. One to four a day come in my room and get up in my light, stuck up there and trying to get out, but then they die because it's too hot. Some, however, escape but fall onto my bed and it makes me mad. Stupid ladybugs.

The chocolate peppermint milkshakes at Chick-fil-a that are out at christmas are really good. :-)

I started studying for the GACE - a standardized test that teachers take to be certified in Georgia. I took it in July without studying at all, thinking I didn't need to, and I passed half and failed half. At least it's done in two sections!! So I'm taking the first half again Jan 8. I have a book to study with, but it's so hard to get down to it and study it. Especially when I feel like a lot of it is not used in the classroom. A lot of the vocabulary that is used on the test is not something teachers use in real life. Ex: Phonics, phonemes, phonological awareness, phonemic awarness, syntax, logographical phase, analytic phase, orthographical phase, semantics, contextual redefinition, morphology, base word vs root word, and alphabetic principle. Really? Ugh.

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