Friday, December 24, 2010

Saying no

I am a "let's do it all!" kind of person. But lately I've been saying no more. It's not easy.

I didn't go to the kids musical at my church and someone said, "But you like kids! And you know them, and it'll be great!" I didn't do caroling with my church and someone said, "But you love to sing! Why aren't you going?" "I just don't want to." but they didn't like this answer. And I totally get it - if it's a good thing / event, why not go? Because I can't go to everything. I was asked to help with nursrey tonight for this Christmas eve service at my church but I said no because I'm going to 2 services at my home church with dinner in between, so I didn't want to add doing the nursrey to that. I wanted to, and I know they're looking for people, but again, I just can't fill up every minute of my time.

So it's Christmas Eve day! Now that I'm older, and so is my brother, we don't really DO much for Christmas. My grandparents are coming in from NC and should be here any minute. We're going to a 5:00 and 11:00 xmas eve service tonight. But as far as presents, we all got money or bigger things in the past month so we're not opening present tomorrow. So, it is like any other day really.... ?

Anyways, still a few more weeks before I go to student teaching and I'm reading, watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch on DVD, playing Nancy Drew, hanging out with friends, and helping at Wellspring still.

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