Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tick tock - where is your life going?

Steward - to manage or look after.

We are stewards of God's money, time, and more. When we get to heaven, if God asks what we did with the money He gave us, the time He gave us, the talent He gave us... what would we say? Everything we have is His, like we are borrowing it.

I can NOT imagine getting to heaven and being like, "Well... I bought a lot of cool stuff, I lived comfortably, and I gave sometimes. I went for a few weeks out of the country to serve, and helped out in the church sometimes. I used my talent to make some money, and used it for my own entertainment." Oh HECK no. Or even worse... "I spent my money on clothes to make me pretty, food to fill me up, games to make me happy, and vacations to escape the dreadful work I had. I served sometimes, but I can't think of anything specific. Does it count that I sat in a rocking chair and held some babies so other people could go to church? I sang on youtube, I took some pictures for facebook, and I wrote in my journal. Thanks for the talents, but I didn't know how to use them to glorify you, so I just sang some karaoke here and there along with taking some pretty pictures of nature."

Not that good works get you in to heaven. But I believe that life is meant to glorify God and tell others about Him, so why waste it by being selfish and mediocre? The point isn't to stay super busy in life, doing 500 things at once, or go around hitting people over the head with the bible. But if you use your time, talent, and money to glorify God, others will notice. Also, if you don't do well with little, why would He give you more? Again, the motive is not that if you do well you'll get more stuff. But when your heart is in the right place, you have the longing to want more so that you can give more. I seriously wish that I had more money sometimes so I could give it to people who are in need, to support more kids in another country who are orphans or hungry, etc.

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