Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Things I'm Thankful For

Thanksgiving isn't until next week, I know, but I'm posting this early because I just want to. :-) None of this is in any kind of order. I know that some people are posting things on facebook that they're thankful for each day, but I'm throwing mine all in together at once.

Things I'm Thankful For
1. My friends overall. This past year I've made some great new friends and grown closer to past ones and I'm so thankful for them! They were answers to many years of prayers!
2. My parents - they are great, I enjoy talking to them, they are supportive, they are letting me stay at home again until I get a full time job
3. My brother Chris - he finished high school with honors in May and started college in August. He joined a fraternity and got elected as the secretary (which starts in January). He is smart and will go far.
4. That I finished college. It kind of felt like 10 years but it was only 5.
5. Ambient, our young adults' church service on Sunday nights - it started in January so we're coming up on a year of it running. Todd and Bobby give great sermons, the music is great, and I like it on Sunday nights because that means I get to sleep in or work on Sundays when I find a job and still be able to go to church.
6. Wed night bible study with NWCC - although we are small, I enjoy it! :-)
7. Thur night bible study with North Star - love going!
8. Bryan and Lee Ann Barton for letting us have bible study at their house on Thursday nights, sharing their kids with us :-), and leading us.
9. Tracy, Joy, Mel, Tiffany, Jacinta, Marissa, and Catherine - I'm thankful for seeing you each week at bible study, for sharing your lives with me and listening to mine, and for our girls nights. I love all your hugs and smiles and prayers!
10. Nathan, Rachel, and Marc - I'm thankful they invite me to things, for the game nights and movie nights, Zumba, and our other random adventures!
11. My iPhone. It's fantastic. I love the free games that keep me entertained in long lines like Wal-mart and the grocery store, that I can check my facebook and e-mail anywhere, that I can take pictures quickly, and the many other things that I can access at the touch of the screen!
12. My laptop, camera, and kindle.
13. My car
14. Electricity, running water, shoes on my feet, food, heat, air conditioning, clothes, washer and dryer, dish washer, a good house, flashlights, umberellas, a bed, jackets, blankets. While I often take these for granted, I am often reminded by pictures of Kenya that this is a luxury.
15. God allowing me to go to Kenya. I am thankful for the money that comes in when I go and for the support everyone gives.
16. Louise Mell - for her prayers, her e-mails, our lunches, and our friendship
17. Kaylene! She is a friend that has lived life with me the past 4 years through so many ups and downs for us both. I am thankful for our starbucks times, long messages, and they ability to make me laugh and encouragement to push through anything.
18. LaJauna Ellis - we are "new friends" but I am already so thankful for her and look forward to more dinners in the future!
19. Books. For those of you who don't like to read, man you're missing out! The fiction books put you into other worlds and you read from eyes of someone as if you were them. Non-fiction books give you such great advice and enriches your life with Christ
20. Writing / journaling
21. The talents God has given me
22. God who loves me, Jesus who died for me, and the Holy Spirit who lives in me
23. Jackie Traster - I learned so much from her through student teaching but am also so thankful we've kept in touch. She is so important to me.
24. Kelly Newton - we've been friends for 12 years and while we are busy, we still keep in touch. I'm thankful for that.
25. That I had a summer job
26. My grandparents - all four are fabulous! They live in NC and MD. They are funny, caring, and loving.
27. My Aunt Wendy, Uncle Bill, Emily, and Carly - Not only are they so sweet and awesome, they're also good looking too! :-) I'm so blessed to have them as family because that means we will forever be in touch. They live in Washington, but I hope someday we get to see each other more frequently.
28. Dillon, Mona, Staton and Ansley -my dad's cousin and his family in NC. They are such a great family and I had a great time visiting them 2 summers ago. They have big hearts and are family I always love to see!
29. Meredith Pitts - she has been a great friend over the past year or so and I have enjoyed our starbucks / lunches / dinners!
30. All things chocolate
31. Pictures
32. Good TV shows
33. Ellyjoy, Pauline, Humphrey, Daniel, and others who take care of the kids we sponsor in Kenya, for helping distribute food, for loving the kids, for washing their clothes and showing them the love of God. I'm thankful that there are people here who are able to give money, and people who are there who are able to give love. It takes both.
34. Medicine to stop pain and help us feel better
35. My GPS for helping me not get lost everywhere I go
36. Retreats
37. Starbucks, food places I like to eat, Swift Cantrel Park, bookstores, cabins in the woods/ mountains

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