Thursday, September 22, 2011

Facebook, letters, retreat, Pinterest

Have you ever felt comfort by ridiculous things? Sometimes I don't even realize it until I pause to think about it. For example: sometimes I turn on my facebook chat even when I don't really expect to chat with anyone simply becasue it's nice to see other people on there, as if they're kind of "there" if I needed them. And sometimes when someone logs off and the little green dot goes away, it's kind of sad. Like they were there and now they're not.

If you've ever sat and waited for the phone to ring, for a certain person to call you, you know that it's worse when you see that person is on chat, and you hope they IM with you but you don't say anything because you don't want to get on their nerves, and maybe they're just on their phone and not on the computer so they can't see your message. (Wow, that was a really long sentence.) It's like watching water boil though, so I don't just sit there, I surf facebook, youtube, e-mails, and whatever else I'm doing.

On another subject.... I cleaned my room today, as much as I could, and I keep a lot of stuff that has memories behind it. Letters from people since I was 9 (only the important ones or funny ones like middle school notes I wrote with friends), a sea shell from a friend in Kenya, pictures that I print off to put in albums, journals I've written, a stuffed teddy bear from Build-A-Bear my senior yr in high school where a big group of my friends drew names and made a bear for the other person, etc.

My dad said that I won't want all those letters when I'm older and I said, "You don't know! You're not a girl!" Haha. My grandma was saying the other day how nobody writes letters anymore since there's e-mail and faceook. I agree to some degree. I used to write letters ALL THE TIME to everybody. Sometimes people wrote back and I cherished them, but a lot of people didn't take the time to write back and mail it or give it to me. With e-mail it's faster and easier. You can also store years of e-mails or facebook messages all in one place and search for a particular thing through the search bar. But, as I told my mom, it would be nice if whenever I date someone we actually wrote letters to each other. I think it's sweet.

Over time a kindle will replace books (I'm beginning to like it more and more as the physcial books pile up around my room) just as e-mails have replaced letters. My actual books collect dust. They are pretty and colorful in my room though.

I'm going on a retreat from tomorrow afternoon (Thursday) through Sunday afternoon/ evening. I'm looking forward to it! I won't have acess to the internet or phone. I think it will be a great weekend; just a little nervous because I don't think I'll know anyone else there.

Um, Pinterest?! Fantastic idea. Love it. Except when it keeps me up late at night and distracted. :-) Not many guys are on there, but I HAVE seen a few! I typed in random guy names in the people search bar to see if there were any, and yeah, there's a bunch. But I still think it's a website dominated by women.

Well.... speaking of being distracted.... I'm supposed to be packing. So I guess I'll get to it since it's 12:45 AM and I have to get up at 7:45 AM! Bah! (Baby-sitting tomorrow.)

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