Saturday, April 10, 2010

Last night

The middle schoolers went an hour away to a conference yesterday and today, and came back to spend the night at the church. Since the youth pastor (Jason) and his wife were the only chaperones, and they have a 3 year old girl, the wife went home with the little girl and they needed someone to stay with the other girls at the church. So Jason called me yesterday and asked if I would stay with them. So they got to the church at 11:40 PM. There were 12 girls and 2 boys - the boys and Jason stayed in one of the sunday school rooms and the girls stayed in the bigger open area. Jason had questions for them to answer which were in fortune cookies - some serious ones and some not. That lasted for about an hour and a half. At 1:30 they started the movie, "Enchanted" and at 2:30 he turned it off and said it was time for bed since they had to get up at 7 AM. The girls were planning all these pranks they wanted to do and tried to pull it off but it didn't work. At 3:00 I had to be the mean one who went into the bathroom and told them to go to sleep.  "But I'm not tired. I stay up all night all the time. One time I even went skiiking the next day and I was fine." Why is it that it's pulling teeth to get people under the age of 18 to go to sleep? So I said I don't care, they would just have to lay there then. So they did. When I got up at 7, I hung around until Jason's wife came and then I went home and back to bed. I was back in bed  at 8:30 AM, and woke up at 12:30 PM.

However, being middle school girls that they are, there is always maddness going on. I will spare the details, but lets just say some things they did made me REALLY MAD!!!!
Ah, the joys of working with middle school girls.

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