Sunday, April 4, 2010

Candy, Easter, laundry, etc.

I hate when I'm tired but shouldn't take a nap because I have other things to do or not enough time to nap. It's hard not to give in and just sleep!!

So when I was younger, maybe 11, my mom got me a Nancy Drew computer game for some holiday (Christmas? birthday?) and I thought, "What? Mom, I'm too old for that!" but I played it and LOVED it and it was a hard game! Well they make 2 new ones every year, and have 22 now! I still buy them and play them and they're AMAZING! Call me crazy, but they're super hard and I always have to look for walkthroughs online. You get to do tasks and go through the whole story, find clues, solve things, talk to people, walk around and snoop, etc. I can't even explain it, but it is so much fun. I just bought the newest one this week. I've also been watching, "Friends" still, all the way from season 1 on up, and am at the beginning of season 9 right now. There is 10 total. I'm borrowing them from some friends at church.

Today is Easter! It's always fun when church is full, the singing is loud, and you get to see people you don't normally see. I wore my Easter dress from last year that I've only worn on Easter and will wear at my roomate's wedding in July. There's just not any other occasions where we where dresses anymore. I used to every Sunday when I was in elementary school because that's the kind of church it was, where you always dress up. But not anymore. I love to get dressed up sometimes, but these really cute shoes I have gave me blisters and it hurt!! On top of that, it's dissapointing when you look really nice and you want somone specific to say you look nice but they don't, and they just barely say hello to you.

I've found Cadburry eggs (the chocolate candies) to be really good this year. I never really had them much before, but have bought a ton this time. And I feel like I've gained 10 pounds in the past 2 weeks because of it, haha. All of our holidays are so centered around candy and sweets - Valentines candy, Easter candy, Halloween candy, Christmas candy- and big meals - Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July, Birthdays, etc. No wonder our country is obese. Maybe if we focused it more on healthy food! hahaha. Fruits for Easter, vegetables for Thanksgiving......come on people, let's start a new tradition of healthy food at the holidays so we don't all become as big as a barn! :-)

I don't know why I hate doing laundry so much. In other countries they don't have washing machines and dryers - they have to wash it by hand in a basin or the river, and then hang them on the line to dry. For me it's not even the washing and drying I hate most, it's the putting the clothes away. I only sometimes fold clothes that go in my drawers, but it's also frustrating when they don't all fit, there aren't enough clothes I am complaining that I have TOO many clothes for the amount of space I have and yet I'm tired of most of what I wear. It puts things in a different perspective when you go to a 3rd world country. It makes you catch yourself more when you complain about stupid things or just how much stuff we have.

Last night I was shaving my legs and cut the back of my let near my ankle, and it just stung a little but I didn't think much of it, until a minute later I looked down and the water was red because I was pouring out blood. Geez! You wouldn't think your legs would bleed that much when you can't even feel it! I couldnt' make it stop, so I qiuckly finished and got out, putting pressure on it, and it took forver to stop and had to put a bandiad on it so it wouldn't start up again. It was crazy.

So yes, this is how my brain works - it jumps from subject to subject without a connection. :-)

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