Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Yesterday there was a scholastic book fair at my college, for teachers to buy books, and all books were half off as they are each year! I buy some each year so I can build up my library for my classroom. Well it is SO exciting for me to get the books! I was seriously so excited. Since I don't know what grade I will be teaching yet, I've just gotten all ages of books, including middle school books. I know that if I teach 4th grade, there will be some kids reading books like Harry Potter and high school books (I've seen it, it's impressive), and then some who are still on a 1st grade reading level. So, I'm prepared for them all.

When I was in elementary school, going to the library when I finished my work was something I really looked forward to. You could only check out two books at a time, and I always got mad when they'd make me pick out books just on my reading level or above, because sometimes I liked the books below it too. In the summer I'd go to the library, and whatever the limit you could check out (it was like 10 or something), I always checked out that many! At home I would take all the books I had and put them on my bed in stacks, and pretend people were shopping for books or checking them out at the library, and I'd pretend to be different people amazed at the selection of books that were offered. :-) In middle school I usually carried a purse big enough to keep a book in, and if not I always had one in my bookbag. I always read it when I was finished with my work or before class started.

Sadly in college I've only gotten to read books I want during the summer or Christmas break. There's just no other time otherwise, and if I try I end up reading it instead of doing homework and that never has a good outcome! I wonder if when I'm a teacher I'll be able to read more? I also don't read as much now because I am busy, and during my it is taken up with the computer or TV a lot of times. I still love to read, I just don't as much. When I worked at a Christian bookstore for a little over a year, I spent so much money on books!! I'd be putting them out and go, "OH! I want to read this!" and I'd buy it, so I have a lot of books that I haven't had time to read yet that are sitting on my shelf! But working in the bookstore wasn't as great as I thought it'd be.

There's a lot of activities and new stuff coming up with the youth group at my church, and I'm excited about it! I get to help plan it and input ideas and stuff. It'll be good!

Otherwise, lots going on lately, and a lot coming up.

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