Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Not listening

Me: God, I'm not hearing you. God: You're not listening. You've got 50,000 other things in the way. What if you took an hour a day to pray? To sit in silence and focus on me? To pray for not only your friends and those you love, but also those who frustrate you and those you aren't really friends with? And then what if you spent 30 minutes in the Bible every day? What more would you learn about me?

At this season of my life, it may be when I have the most free time I will ever have until I'm retired or something! Eventually I will have a full time career / job (although I work 38 hours a week right now). I will get married and have kids. I will be so busy. And right now I have a lot of free time. I found ways to serve in the church and with other people, but as far as continuing to grow in my relationship with God I'm somewhat slacking. I've been reading the bible, but not every night as planned. Why? Because facebook, twitter, spotify, tv, sleeping, and reading has taken over. Not drugs, smoking, sex, alcohol. No, not crazy partying or causing problems. Just simple entertainment after work to wind down or chill out. But that has always, my entire life, been what slowly gets in the way of God being first, along with friends /  time with friends.

The LORD is more important. HE is the Almighty God, Creator of the universe. King, Redeemer, Savior, Rock, Fortress, Stronghold. If he is not Lord over all, then He is not Lord at all.

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