Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Night is when the armor drops.
Night is when the shield goes down,
The truth comes out, the filter disappears.
Night is when the heart aches.
Night is when you miss someone the most,
You make stupid mistakes, you skip the logic,
You follow your heart into plunder.

Night is when you laugh the most.
Jokes come quickly, and wit is strong.
People are silly and things don’t make sense.
Night is when the emotions rule.
Perhaps all emotions are magnified,
Both funny and serious.
Night is when your logic fails and your heart rules.
Sending words with heavy meanings,
Sending love with strings attached,
Carelessness with consequences not in grasp.

Night is when you forget your boundaries.
Night is when you get tired of fighting and give in,
When your self-control seems to already be asleep.
Night is when you feel the pain the most.
The busyness of the day is gone and things slow down.
Night is when your thoughts run free and wild,
When what you put off thinking about during the day sweeps in.

Fight back. Fight hard.
What is momentarily pleasing at night
Sows consequences and pain during the day.
Think twice. Think seven times.
Think ahead.
Go to great lengths to stay away from the edge of the cliff
Instead of seeing how close you can get without falling off.
Above ALL else
Above all else guard your heart.
For everything you do flows from it.
Find ways to safeguard your choices
Instead o f just relying on your momentary self-control.

Night is when the Lord is still there.
Night is when He still cares.
He provides a way out when you are tempted.
Recognize what that is for you and take it.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
All things.
Through CHRIST.
Not by my own strength.

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