Sunday, May 27, 2012


Things I am thankful for
-I'm going to Slovakia!
-I have a job
-My job allows me to have most Sundays and Thursdays off for bible study, church, meetings, etc.
-I can ask off for certain days at work for events or other things without too much trouble
-I like some of the people I work with
-I get free Starbucks every day (which also saves me money)
-I get to see friends when they come in to Starbucks while I work
-Time to pray while I wash dishes
-Working nights allows me to stay up late and sleep in
-Parents who still financially support me since I don't make enough yet
-A college degree that I will use one day
-During my free time I no longer have to do homework, I can actually have fun
-The entertainment things in my life such as great books, tv shows, computer games, iphone games, etc
-My friends. I've got some amazing ones that are absolutely answers to prayer.
-Thursday night bible study
-The beach trip I went on
-My friends who get the chance to go on long term mission trips this summer to Slovakia, Bosnia, and more
-My friend Leslie's chemo going pretty well/working
-Several of my friends getting married and having kids

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