Monday, August 30, 2010

Random posting

I've decided I want the iphone 4 for graduation in May. I've never had the internet on my phone and have always had the older kinds where all you can do is call and text. Hopefully by May the price will go down some.

Yesterday, Sunday, I taught high school sunday school in the morning, helped in the 2 year old class during the 2nd service, went to lunch with some people, then came back to the church right after for a meeting, went home and took an hour nap, and came back up to the church to help with youth group. Whew! Long day!

One 2 year old went around with a basket and went to each kid, snatching one of their toys and putting it in her basket. It was funny to see that some just sat there and cried, doing nothing about it, and others yelled and tried to hold on for dear life or tackle her as she walked away. When I came over and told the girl to stop taking everybody's toys, that there are tons of other toys in the room, she pitched a fit and cried and balled up on the floor as if I had just taken her toy away. I just let her lay there for a min and then she got up and went on her way.

The meeting was for planning for a new Sunday night service at my church that will start in January. It's exciting to be on the planning part of it. I might be one of the alternate singers as well. The serivce will be geared towards young adults.

I've gotten some homework done today, but I just have the itch to read a book and write in my journal instead of do homework. BAH! But homework must be done first!!!

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