Saturday, August 28, 2010

What would make a great day for me

I think when people answer this is says a lot about themselves. What they like to do, if they're more introverted or extroverted, what energizes them or rejuvinates them, what they consider relaxing. Here's mine.

A GREAT day would look like.....
-Starbucks. Preferably with a friend to talk to for an hour or two along with that.
-Reading a book
-Writing in my journal or some other type of writing
-Watching Gilmore Girls, Make It Or Break It, or Friends
-Doing something with a friend (or more than one friend)
-Playing a fun computer game (such as Nancy Drew!!)
-Taking a nap without an alarm to wake me up (if I'm tired)
-E-mail and facebook
-Taking pictures and posting them
-Playing games with people (Mad Gab, Pictionary Man, Uno, Apples to Apples, Telephone Pictionary, etc)
-Eating good food
-Go to a big bookstore and look around for a long time

So yeah, a lot of mine are things I'd do by myself. That's how I refuel! But I could still do some of those with a friend.

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