Thursday, August 26, 2010

Classes, Facebook, and God

Classes have started! I am in my (second) senior year! I will gradute in May with 5 years of college under my belt. I'm in a program called TOSS (teaching of specific subjects) where I have 4 classes on how to teach math, language arts, science, and math for the first 10 weeks. Also in those 10 weeks we go to the school 1 day a week (or two if there's a week off for the school). Our first day will be next Friday. The last 5/6 weeks we go full time into the elementary classroom. We have a lot of work / assignments for the field experience, so it's really like having 5 classes. It hasn't been too stressful yet, but just a little.

Today I deactivated my facebook. I don't know how long I'll keep it down, no goal really, but I'm aiming for a month or two. Reasons: 1) I'm on it too much. 2)People wthout facebook still get boyfriends, husbands, friends, jobs, etc. so I am not detatched from the world by being off of it. 3) I need to focus on homework right now. 4) Even when I finish homework and have free time, I'd like to read more and exercize more and do something more useful. Even if I was on facebook an hour a day, that's 7 hours in a week. A whole afternoon! 5) There are a few others that are personal.

I've been going to a new bible study for the past two months or so for young adults with another church. It's been great!! It's really what I've been looking for - a good amount of people, reading the bible, small groups, making new friends, etc. The people whose house we go to are so nice too.

Tonight as I walked on the treadmill, listening to my ipod, a song came on that I sang once in church several years ago. I love the song. It's "Everything to Me" by Avalon. One part says, "I want to live for Jesus so that someone else might see that He is everything to me, more than a story, more than words on a page of hisotry, he's the air that I breathe, the water I thirst for and the ground beneath my feet. He's everything to me." Do I live for Jesus in that way? In a way that others see it? Do I make Him my everything? What am I doing to live in a way that gives God glory? And if it's not much, what can I add or do in my life that will? So, that's my thought for the week. Something to work on.

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