Friday, September 26, 2014

My trip to Washington

I like airports and flying. For me, my flights have always taken me somewhere great, and I only fly every few years, so that probably has something to do with it. I flew out to Tacoma, WA with my mom last week, and we stayed for a week. The weather was perfect and didn't rain the whole time! I was involved with all the events leading up to my cousin's wedding - the bachelorette party, setting up the reception hall, the rehearsal and dinner, hair and makeup for the day of the wedding, pictures of the bride, groom, and bridal party at a park, the wedding, and cleaning up. I had lots of coffee during the week. I got to see my cousin's new apartment.

Sunday we went to Seattle. We took the ferry there, saw the pretty views, etc. and then walked down Pike Street. We also went to a Starbucks down the road from it because it was pretty and I wanted to go. We went to dinner with their new family by marriage, but they've been friends their whole lives. It's so cool to think they are part of my family through marriage now, and whenever I go to Washington, I will most likely see them. For the rest of my life. They are all married except my younger cousin. Andrew, my cousin Emily's now husband, has 3 other siblings, two are married, and the 3rd just got engaged while I was there! I went to her surprise birthday party and engagement party on Monday!

The last day I was there, Monday, my cousin Carly went to work, and my mom went with my aunt and uncle to a nature walk thing with wildlife for a few hours and she took pictures. I stayed home, drank coffee, looked at my pictures on the computer, was on facebook some, and read a book. It was so great because I didn't have much time to myself during the trip! I journaled for about 3 hours on the plane home, and then slept for an hour! Which is rare for me on a plane!

I got some GREAT pictures during the trip! The whole trip, although busy, was great. It was nice not to work, and to be in a different "world" for a week.

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