Sunday, September 14, 2014

When I'm weak, You are strong

Lord when I'm weak You are strong
And it's the best place to be, don't get me wrong
I've read the scripture about that and I agree
That I want more of You and less of me.
Your strength doesn't mean my pain is gone
Or that I can just simply move on.
You are good whether a circumstance is or not.
Thank You for taking my spot
In the punishment of my sins!
That alone is where Your goodness comes in,
And even if that was the only thing You did for me,
It would be enough to praise You constantly!
I come before You now with a prayer for peace,
For joy, and for love for others that will never cease.
I pray that You will give me the ability
To see things as You do, and realize the possibility
That what hurts now is actually
Something that is good later, not just a tragedy.
Your plan and timing is perfect - mine is not.
Your reasoning is detailed, not thought up on the spot.
Your love is powerful, not conditional.
Your spirit lives in me - I'm thankful that's admissible!

So when I stand before the giants and the foes,
The battle tripping me up and people stepping on my toes,
When I am out of ammo and out of a plan,
No where to escape and when I should have just ran...
I will kneel to the ground with my hands raised high,
Knowing You will fight for me with strength beyond what I can try.
So here I am Lord - fight for me.
I'm a bit blinded and I can't see.
Maybe I'm being slowed by quicksand
Or weighted down by chains so I can't stand.
Break my chains, pull me out,
Give me confidence free of doubt.
You created the world with Your breath,
You created my life, and You will take me in death.
How could I worry or let life get me down?
Your Word is full of how You hold the crown,
The King, the Lord, the majestic One who conquers all!
To let anything in life make me fall,
And then just lay there and not stand once more,
Is to say that You're not able to win this war!

Lord be my strength when I am weak.
Guard my mouth when I speak.

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