Sunday, August 31, 2014

Reminders of what God has done in my life

We don't build monuments or alters, or name rocks to remind us of great things God has done for us like they did in the old testament. Now, we write them down, to read back and be reminded of God's great works in our lives.

A girl I didn't know that well, Nichole, was someone who I helped get a job at my Starbucks. She has been such a blessing to work with. She is full of energy and joy, which gives me energy and joy as well! She is someone I can talk to about life, and is on the same page as me. I am immensely thankful for her, and that God has allowed me to work with a friend. He has blessed me with her, even in a job that I'm not a huge fan of.

Last year at this time, one of my best friends Joy left for Bosnia for a year. We used to hang out a lot, and go cool places on day trips. We were really close, and her leaving was really hard. At the same time, my really close friend Mel got a new job and became fully immersed in that, and wasn't around much anymore. I felt a huge loss between the two of them, and cried a lot about it honestly. Why would God take both of these amazing women out of my life at the same time? But, in an overlapping process, God showed me what a great friend Katie was. We got closer over time, and then we started meeting every week and that was a gift from God. It's been a year, and with her schedule being busy and getting ready to be married, we won't be meeting every week, and although she won't be too far away, she won't be in my life in the same way. Joy has decided to go back to Bosnia for another year. But, I am not too brokenhearted about either of those two things, because I have seen God's hand in bringing people into my life who enrich my life and friends that either become closer, or new friends. Maybe someone has been praying for a close friend, and I am the answer to that prayer!

I searched and prayed for about a year after college before deciding to pursue photography. I am thankful God has given me the talent, persistence, and opportunities to pursue that. I never thought I've have the type of camera I do, or that I'd be taking pictures of the things I've taken pictures of. I am far from making it a job, but God will bring me to the right places at the right time. To have a passion in life is such a beautiful thing, and I'm thankful God showed me what mine is.

Over the past few years, there have been situations in life that really shook me and brought me to my knees. I was knocked down and felt I couldn't get up again. I don't think my foundation was "built upon the sand" and not on God, but I still felt rocked by the waves and I felt incapable of seeing Him through those storms. I didn't feel his peace or trust His hand in my life... I thought that He was just not in those storms. I am sometimes that person in the boat saying, "Jesus! Wake up! Don't you know it's storming?" Ah, He knows. And He is the master of those storms. Instead of seeing those storms as disasters intended to destroy my life, I have seen them as a redirection or a warning. Like, "Turn around! Don't keep going this way!" Or even if I don't see a purpose and I am just soaking wet in the storm, I am allowing Him to fill me with peace. I am still. I am waiting. I am listening. I look for things God does in my life, from the little things to the big things. I am asking that God give me eyes to see things as He does, and to not allow people, things, circumstances, or anything else to be what dictates my emotions or actions. He is helping me to do that. I don't feel so shaken anymore by the things in life that aren't going well or things that flat out punch me in the gut. Praise the Lord.

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