Saturday, April 13, 2013

Here I am

I don't remember exactly what age I was, but I know I was older than 7 because of the current house I'm in. Too big to ride my little purple tricycle, but still able to sit on it and push it with my feet and my knees off to the side because they didn't fit under the handlebars. My mom was in the garage/basement and I was pushing around on my too-small tricycle when I decided it would be fun to glide down our long driveway which is on a hill. My thought was that it would be a fun, fast ride to the bottom.

We all have those moments before the event happens when you think, "Oh, this is a good idea," and then it crashes and burns. And maybe it will forever occur in our lives because we are human.

I picked up my feet and started going down the driveway at a speed that was too fast and was unable to stop. I went shooting forward and landed on the concrete with some serious scraped up knees and I don't know where else was scraped up, I just remember my knees. I screamed and cried and my mom came to get me, helped me inside, and we worked on fixing up those wounds.

Here I am Lord, give me clear eyes to see what is smart or what would cause me damage, from the every day decisions to the biggest life decisions.  Not to be paralyzed in fear of failure or pain, because it happens, but to sit still when needed, and act in a good way when it's time.

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