Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Some Day

Some day.
Some day this won't matter
Some day I won't care
Some day these memories will blur
Some day I'll be ok.
But when?
It's not a choice
It's not a flip of the switch
It's not a moment in time
It's not easy.
My mask is on
My walls are up
My heart is locked away.
Some day
I might be thankful
I might have clarity
I might laugh at the absurdity
But not today.

You can ask me why
But I can't answer.
You can tell me this is dumb
But I know.
You can show me good reasons
But that doesn't fix it.

I know
It's like the rain that grows the flowers
The night that makes you appreciate the day
The fire that refines the gold
The chisel that perfects the sculpture.

I will praise Him in the storm.
His word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
I will bring Him glory through the testing of my faith.
I am His child whom He loves.

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