Saturday, September 1, 2012

Starbucks: People before they get their coffee

Customer: Do you have a drink called my tie macchiato?
Me: No... we have a caramel macchiato.
Customer: No, that's no it.
Me: Uhhh, chai tea?
Customer: No. Are you sure there's not a my tie? Hold on, let me call my friend. *calls* Ok, it's a caramel macchiato.

Customer: I'll have a grande mocha frappachino.
Me: Ok. *takes the money, pushes the button, etc*
Customer: Oh, a white mocha frappachino.
Ugh, seriously? It throws off our inventory when you add or change things after it's rung up.

Me: Your total is $2.07
Customer: *hands me a $5*
Me: *I push the button and start getting out the change*
Customer: Oh wait, I have change. *hands me a quarter.*
Me: *what the heck?!* Hold on, I have to get a calculator.

Customer: I'll have an iced pumpkin spice macchiato.
Me: Uh, well we don't really make it like that... macchiato means layered, so it would be pumpkin spice on the bottom, then the milk, and the shots on top.
Customer: Yeah, but I just stir it up.
Me: So then it's just an iced pumpkin spice latte. Macchiato means shots go on top. Stirred up is just a regular latte.
Customer: But I always say it that way.
Me: Well....I mean, it's wrong. If you stir it up, then it's no longer a macchiato.

Customer: When I buy the white mocha it's cheaper than the pumpkin spice latte. Did you ring it up differently?
Me: No...I guess it's more expensive because it's a holiday drink.
Customer: Well that doesn't make any sense!
Me: *long pause* Well I don't really know, I'm just guessing. Anyways I can't change the price.

Customer: I'll have a cold ice cappachino.
Me: Ok, it's called a frappachnio. Cappachinos are hot. What size would you like?
Customer: How much is it?
Me: You have to tell me a size for me to give you a price.
Customer: Medium.
Me: And what flavor would you like?
Customer: Oh I don't know, I just want the ice one.
Me: Yes, they're all iced like smoothies or milkshakes, but there is one that is just coffee, but there are also lots of flavors like chocolate, vanilla, and more.
Customer: Oh I don't know, just the ice cold cappachino. That's all I know.
Me: No, it's called frappachino. Ok, so a grande coffee frappachino, your total is....

Customer at drivethru window: What kind of mugs do you have?
Me: Lots of kinds.
Customer: Can you bring some so I can see what they are?
Me: I mean, there's tons. Hot ones, cold ones... what kind are you looking for?
Customer: Do you have any with flowers on them?
Me: Uhhh.... let me go look.
*GET out of your car and come look yourself!!!!*
Me: Here are three of them with flowers.
Customer: Oh. I don't like any of those, do you have any with other designs?
Me: Yes, but there's a line behind you waiting.... (hinting that she should come in)
Customer: I can pull up then and you can just bring them to me outside.
*Oh, yes! More than one person has done this! I understand there are people who can't get out of their cars for reasons like having kids in the car that they don't want to wake or get out, but that is not a time to look for a mug, or be picky!!!*

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