Thursday, September 23, 2010

Smart people. How are you?

Patience? What's that? I'm supposed to have some of that? Hmmm...... 

Some people are so smart. I don't mean in a book-smart kind of way, I mean in a wisdom-smart kind of way. Like they just have great advice all the time, great outlooks, they notice things that really push you out of your comfort zone (in a good way). Maybe some day I'll be really smart in that kind of way. I hope so.

Lots going on. Too much to type. And you know, when people say, "How are you?" or "How was your week?" I've begun to not know how to respond to that because very rarely is it a wonderful great week, sometimes it's a bad week, but most of the time there's a bix mixture of good and bad and boring and exciting in every week. So to sum it all up you just say good or fine? The word just doesn't quite match it. But oh well.

My Week (since last Thur)
Good: got to hang out with one of the girls in my high school youth group, baby-sat, had lunch with my friend Kaylene who is awesome, bible studies, didn't have to do field experience this week since they were on a break
Bad: too much homework, not enough focus, not enough patience, not enough discipline, haven't been going to bed when I needed to, part of me really wants to get back on facebook now but I shouldn't
Boring: social studies class, homework
Exciting: petitioned to graduate (May 2010), set a date for my graduation party in May

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