Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Enjoy the Silence

Someone gave me a book yesterday to borrow called, "Enjoy the Silence: A 30 day experience in listening to God" by Duffy and Maggie Robinson and I started it yesterday. It begins with some introductory chapters. The first chapter tells this story about how the author and his wife were in church in Washington DC and one of the people there was in charge of all the Secret Services for the president. He came up to them and said the president wanted to meet them and had heard about their books. They were so excited! He said they had to get up early and be there early because the president had a meeting at 8:15 AM. he said to be there at 7:30, so they had to leave their house at 6:30, so they planned on getting up at 5:30. The morning of meeting the president there was as phone call. He answered it and the man said, "Where are you? It's 7:45! If you're not close by, there's no way you'll be able to make it. Sorry, maybe there will be another opening in the future." When I read it I was like, "UGH! That stinks!" because I know the feeling of waking up and realizing I totally missed a class or was suppsed to be at work right then and it's a horrible feeling. But to miss the president!

Then he said, "Before you close this book in disgust, let me make two coments about this episode. Number one: It never actually happened. We made it up. Number two: Actually, it did happen. In fat, it happened this morning. And it happens every day to millions of people. It probably happened to you. People just like you on days like this one, pass up the opportunity to enter the throne room of almighty God and talk to the creator of the universe.

"Every new day offers each of us a chance to get out of bed and spend some quality time with our heavenly Father. But most of us blow it off for a few extra minutes of sleep. That's a pretty sobering thought. But it shouldn't make you feel like a disgusted, spiritually impaired, sleep monger. That's not the purpose of this book. After all, meeting with God every morning isn't some religous hoop you have to jump through in order to earn his love. We spend time with God because he loves us already - unconditionally - and because we want to develop and deepen our relationship with him. Heck, it doesn't even have to happen in the morning! (Can we get an 'Amen'?)"

Haha, yes, AMEN! I'm not a morning person at all. I don't mean that I'm grumpy in the mornings, I mean that I love my sleep and have a hard time getting out of bed every day. I'm much more alert and full of determintation from about 9PM- 1AM. Too bad it happens that I will soon have to go to bed at like 9-10 as a teacher! Anyways, it was an interesting story and thought.

At the elementary school I'm at, I'm with 2nd grade and it's a challenging class. The two teacher's I'm with are so great though! I really like both of them a lot.

Today I got a grade back on a lesson plan in my social studies class (three of us wrote it together) and it was a HORRIBLE grade, probably the worst I've gotten in all 4 years of college. We were so upset about it because we thought it was good!! Thankfully we get to re-do it for full credit if we correct it to her standards, but then it's a pain to re-do it plus turn in the new stuff we have to do each week. I only have 3 and a half more weeks of classes, and then I'll be full time in the elementary school for 4 weeks.

Outside of school stuff, many other things have been occupying my mind and time! Church stuff, bible studies, friends, missing several people, and more.

One thing I do want to say is..... You know how sometimes you have something to tell a person, but you don't because you're worried what they might think, what they might say, etc? Well sometimes you just have to get it out and tell that person. Because sometimes, if you wait too long, then it's too late. Then you'll kick yourself for not saying something sooner. Sometimes the "what-if's" can really drag you down because you wish you had done or said something earlier. If anybody ever reads this and is in that same boat, do something about it. Think ahead 10 years - will there be anything you look back on right now and wish you had said or done?

My week since last Tuesdsay
Good: I really appreciate some of the friends in my life, I'm on the planning team for a new Sun night service at my church that starts in Jan and it's exciting to get it rolling, my two bible studies, I've stayed off facebook for 42 days so far (5 weeks)
Bad: Bad grade in Social Studies, made cupcakes that looked like pandas on Sat for 3 hours and then the church picnic I was going to go to rained out so they are still sitting on my table, I have SO much homework, I miss some people, I have to pull out a loan again as soon as the paperwork goes through
Boring: most of my classes
Exciting: I only have 3 and a half weeks of classes left, I saw a pretty rainbow yesterday

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