Saturday, July 14, 2018

My 1:45 AM random thoughts

My 1:45 AM random thoughts.

Why did God make our hearts to be so much stronger than our brain sometimes? I mean I get that it's good for our heart to be full of love and patience and all the good stuff, and those things should be strong. But why does He allow our heart to make the decisions on other things too, and so quickly override? Brain says make better boundaries, heart says no I don't want to. Brain says eat better, heart says eat sweets. Brain says save money, heart says I want to buy coffee. Brain says things are going to be fine, heart says PANIC!

Next thought. I am reading / looking at The Bible Project book, one book of the bible a day. Today I read and looked at Numbers. It called the wilderness the desert of Paran, and I have never ever noticed that before, or ever considered that the wilderness had a name. I looked up the Hebrew meaning for Paran, and it means to glorify or beautify. The opposite of the wildreness!! The Israelites complained the whole time, and then they all died before getting to the Promised Land - only their children got in - so it didn't beautify them, and I mean the only way I could see that it glorified God is that He kept is covenant promise that they would get in, but only their kids. But I want to look more into that later.

Third thought. I hate when I read Christian non-fiction that sounds like a good idea, but then I read it and it's so common sense and dull. Like someone wrote whole books on what could have been one page. But then other books I read I'm underlining tons of stuff and it's so impactful. For example, all of the books I've read by Priscilla Shirer have been amazing! And so powerful. Right now though I'm reading a book that had good reviews but it's just so watered down that I'm trying to skim it to finish it.

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