Thursday, July 5, 2018

It's coming

Tomorrow - TOMORROW! - is my last day at Starbucks. Six years and eight months.

This week I have applied for and sent emails inquiring about jobs to 14 places (and I also worked 11 hours at Starbucks, and 6 and a half hours tomorrow). Today alone I job searched for 3 hours split between doing other things.

Intermixed with my job searching, I'm so glad I will have friends to hang out with, books to read, my church job and meetings, and more.

I finished a book called, "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire" today, a book about prayer, and it was good. I know that praying for the right job is bigger than my job searching, because only God can get me a job. I am of course supposed to job search and do my part, but I know that it's all in God's hands as to which job I get (and don't get).

I got The Bible Project giant book, where it has drawings of each book of the bible, and the text about the explanation of it all too, like a commentary without too much confusing stuff. I'm going to read one each day, so 66 days worth. Today I read the Genesis one.

Someone asked me how I was going to celebrate ending my job, and I'm not doing anything tomorrow night, but Saturday I'm going to have lunch with my friend Kaylene who I only get to see twice a year, so that's a celebration! And then since we're meeting halfway, and it's 45 minutes from me, I'm also going to get Krispy Kreme donuts on the way home since it is near where we are meeting. That's a great celebration day for me! :-)

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