Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Leadership retreat

Things I learned this past weekend:

-Fish eat frogs
-There are such things as a sleeping bag with legs, and sleeping bag coats
-How to play Settlers of Catan
-More about my friends' lives - their personalities, strengths and weaknesses, stories from their pasts, and more
-I learned what the word antebellum meant
-Jellyfish are 95% water

Getting Chili's for lunch was a great start to the weekend! I was riding in Bryan's new truck and I didn't think about how it was higher off the ground so I fell out of it the first time we got out at Chili's. LOL. After a car trip of good conversations to the lake house in Alabama, shortly after arriving, I enjoyed sitting on the swing on the dock catching up with Emily while Adam and Bryan canoed out to a sand dune to get arrowheads. Oh, but first, when we got there we couldn't find where the key was, and Emily really had to go to the bathroom, so we were frantically trying to find the key. Of course. After a while, Bryan, Adam, and I played Settlers of Catan, a strategy type of game. It was my first time playing it. We had great food all weekend. We had some time where we played music through one of my speakers in the background. Friday night we filled out some questions about ourselves and then shared it with others, and we tried to guess who it was (since one person was reading them out loud). Emily said if she could be any form of water she would be a jelly fish since it's 95% water! HA! The second thing we did that night took about 3 hours...

We each went around saying nice things about each person, or something we wanted them to know. There were tears, laughter, and encouragement. We didn't finish until around 3 AM, and while we were exhausted, it was good.

Saturday morning after breakfast Emily did our devotional, and then we had a meeting. After that and before lunch, some of the dishes were cleaned and lunch being prepared, the guys used leaf blowers to get all the leaves out of the way in the giant yard, and we had some good conversations on the porch with beautiful weather. After lunch, we had some time to ourselves, a fire was started, I sat on the dock for a while with some people, and then some people went on a canoe. The sun set around 4:30 PM since we were just over the time zone changing line. It was pretty, I took pictures, and the temperature started dropping pretty quickly. We went out by the fire to discuss our next topic coming up in bible study. Back inside we hung out until dinner. After dinner some people played Settlers of Catan and cards, part of the time we watched them play games or watched funny youtube videos, etc.

After things were winding down for the evening, some people were still playing cards, and others were sitting in the living room either falling asleep or talking. We had some good conversations for about 2 hours with dim lights and blankets, and the simple times of sitting and talking does my heart good. I don't need fancy entertainment or expensive food to have a great time. It was so nice to get to talk to Robert and Alicia more too during part of that time! Over the course of the weekend we talked about (at least the conversations I was it): dinosaurs, books, movies, music, video games, the bible, crazy stories in our lives, dreams, supernatural stuff, angels, heaven, speaking in tongues, our jobs, school for those who are in it, different aspects of church, who we would talk to in the bible if we could have lunch with them, things about our families, things from our past, our strengths and weaknesses, how bible study is going, if it rained before the flood in Genesis, told jokes we knew, prayer requests, different aspects of our love languages being how we relate to others, how different things were a year ago at this time and how they could be so different again in a year from now, why we say drinks in a certain order at Starbucks, adoption, being deep and shallow in different areas of our spiritual life and bible study, sin and how we should recognize how great it is for God to forgive us but also not have a negative view of ourselves all the time, not taking leadership too personal when things don't go well or if thing do go well because it's not about us, not looking at our lives to determine if it was successful or not by the amount of things we did but if we had grown closer to God and brought others closer to God...

Sunday morning I did a devotional after breakfast - I read some from a devotional book, and then asked everyone what they thought it looked like to struggle well. We followed up with that on asking how everyone's relationship with God is, and where they want to improve. After, we cleaned up the place and went our separate ways home. - Statler and Waldorf - Herman Cain bad lip reading

"When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer." - Corrie Ten Boom

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