Friday, February 27, 2015


You know what's great? Communicating. You know what's not great? Just deciding to be silent when someone else is trying to communicate with you. Oh, we're all busy, we're all distracted, we all have reasons as to why we don't feel like / don't communicate. But we live in a world where communicating a simple response is easier than it has ever been in the history of the ENTIRE WORLD. So I don't feel like hearing the excuse that you can't type in the words, "Sorry, I can't be there," or "Yep, sounds good to me!" or "I'm not sure yet - I'll let you know." See, I just typed all three at one time! You don't even have to have a solid yes or no - that's a totally different subject - just responding that you aren't sure yet is fine until you can decide! Oh, but no, that's too hard.

Should we just stop texting, e-mailing, and communicating on facebook and go back to calling each other on the phone or showing up at somebody's front door? Calling would still be too "new" of a way to communicate, maybe just sending some snail mail instead.

When people just decide to not communicate for no good reason at all, it makes me want to quit trying.

And to those people who actually DO respond, especially in a quick amount of time, you are high up on my list of people I respect.

End rant.

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