Monday, February 9, 2015


Most of my time in prayer is spent with me asking God for things. For myself, yes, but for others as well. Sunday mornings are times that I feel like I worship the most through song, and throughout my day I say thank you to Him as good things happen, like, "Thank you that things are slow tonight!" "Thank you that everybody has been in a good mood!" "Thank you that I woke up in time and wasn't late!" But I think where I am lacking in my "conversation" with God is spending time remembering His amazingness, and praising Him for who He is, unconditionally.

Whether I'm have a good day or a bad day, whether I'm happy with my job or not, whether I feel happy or sad, whether I am sick or healthy... God is good. His love for me is unconditional. His plan for my life is still good. He is still working in my life. And so, I want to praise Him equally no matter the circumstance.

Today I skipped church to sleep 17 hours straight, only getting up to go to the bathroom, drink water, and take medicine. I have had no voice since yesterday and really hope it comes back by Tuesday morning for my new job. I'm excited but nervous as all getout about my new job that starts Tuesday. I want to be THE BEST! I want to learn quickly! I want to impress them! It's surreal that I've got this photography job because I really just thought I'd be stuck at an office job as my next job, and I'm nervous that somehow they will say, "It's just not going to work out for you to work for us." I can't let that fear get to me. I'm so excited that some of my best friends had a baby today!! I can't wait to hold him!! Not knowing how my schedule will be with Starbucks and my new job over the next few months makes me anxious because I want to be at my accountability group, the leadership retreat for my bible study, etc. and I have no idea what I will be doing yet.

I love the quote I read a year or so ago in a book that says, "During tough times, emotions are not reliable. Scripture trumps feelings. God is near whether you sense His presence or not." - Max Lucado. I wouldn't say things are "tough" right now overall, I just think this is a good quote for ALL emotions and circumstances!

God made all things. He didn't mess up. His plan for all of time is perfect. He makes beautiful things out of messy things. He is the author of miracles not only in the Bible but today as well. He orchestrates things in perfect timing, not one red light or flat tire or slow driver getting in His way. The same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of me! The Holy Spirit in me is what convicts me, guides me, intercedes for me, whispers to me, and comforts me. He knows when I sit and when I rise and He's known me before I was even born. He forgives me over and over and over again. He shows me new things in scripture even when I've read the same thing tons of times. He gives me peace and joy in the middle of stressful things. He has brought amazing people into my life to be there for me and live life along side of me.

What a glorious God we serve.

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