Thursday, October 16, 2014

Yay fall stuff!

My mom's cousin asked me to take pictures for an attorney in Atlanta, for his website! I went this morning and took pictures inside and outside! I feel official. :-) I also have two families lined up to take Christmas pictures for! One they just one pictures of their baby who is like 6 months old I think, and the other is a couple and their dog. :-) I'm pretty pumped for these things!!!

This weekend I'm going to Talking Rock Georgia. Who names a place Talking Rock? It's a teeny, tiny little place, but there will be a festival there. I'm going with some women from my home church and we are selling tacos at the festival (I am NOT wearing the visor that says, "Let's taco bout it.") to raise money for Kenya! It should be good! We're staying in a cabin tomorrow night and Saturday night.

Next weekend I have a full weekend packed out as well - Saturday morning I meet with two girls my age, for the second time, for an accountability group in the morning. Then I'm going to a Fall festival with my church to volunteer and help take down. After that I'm going to my friend's house with people from bible study for chili, smores, a bonfire, etc. The next day, Sunday, I'm helping watch some kids in the morning before church while their parents have a meeting, then church, then my good friend Katie's bridal shower, then dinner and a leadership meeting.

Just typing all that makes me a little bit tired. :-) But it's all good stuff.

All of that good stuff is a huge contrast to how work has been going lately... work has not been good overall. :-(

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