Friday, October 3, 2014

The tough questions

Maybe we don't ask them because we don't want to hear the answer. Maybe we know the right answer, but don't want to deal with it. Maybe we don't know who to ask. Maybe we think there isn't a right answer, only opinions, so we have to form our own. Maybe there just isn't a right answer and it differs between people. But maybe... maybe these questions are worth asking anyways.

Is it really a big deal to watch tv shows or movies, or read books, that have a lot of sex or violence in them when I'm not going to go out and do either of them?

Is it really a big deal to play violent video games?

Is it really a big deal to listen to music that talks about inappropriate things or has a lot of cuss words in them when I'm not going to be changing my morals because of it, and I'm nt going to start cussing because of it?

How much does media intake really affect my thinking? And even if it doesn't affect it in the long run, does it matter right then as I am taking it in? Because if it doesn't fit this verse: "Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy - think about such things" - should I not intake that media or what?

What does it look like for a Christian to be lukewarm? Am I ever lukewarm? Would I know if I was?

What do you do when someone decides to ignore you and not speak to you, when you know that unity in the body of Christ is the goal, and loving everyone with the love of Christ is what should be happening, but the other person just doesn't care? How can you fix it? Can God fix things that are broken, or are some things forever broken?

In what cases do you really "have nothing to do with them," in a biblical sense? Those verses of having nothing to do with someone seem so weird. What circumstances do those really apply to?

If Jesus asked me to give something up, as he did to the rich young man in giving away what he had to the poor, what would mine be? If it was social media / the internet, would I say yes? What would that look like practically? And how do I know if He would be asking me something like that?

Is a caffeine addiction as big a deal as other addictions? It seems like not, but is it really that - an addiction? And aren't all real addictions bad?

Am I wasting my free time?

How do I get closer to God in a way that I am SO close to Him that nothing shakes me? It seems like a clear cut answer - read the bible, pray, listen, etc.... the spiritual disciplines... but implementing that is hard.

In what ways am I selfish? I just took this spiritual assessment quiz about my strengths, and cringed when one of the questions asked, "Do you talk to new people at church?" Oh. No. It's been a long time since I went to church and talked to new people... I go and talk to my friends. Yikes. It was a smack in the face. I've forgotten to talk to new people at church! What is with that? What else have I been selfish in??

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