Monday, February 3, 2014

Snow and sun!

Good 'ol Georgia.

Tuesday I lucked out and was at home when the snow had been coming down for a few hours, so by the time I was supposed to leave for work at 12:30, I got a call from my dad saying there was no way I was leaving - the roads had become slick and cars were gridlocked. I called in to Starbucks and they said they were shutting down. Little did I know that it would take 3-24 hours for people in the Atlanta area to get home, abandoning their cars, sleeping in churches, Home Depots, fire stations, and more, and some walking up to 10 miles home.

So I was snowed in my house Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday my dad and I trekked up the road 5 minutes (he drove) to get Starbucks and some groceries. Friday I was able to drive a bit. Today, Sunday, it was 70 degrees. Helloooooooo sunshine! And thank you Georgia for your bipolar weather, confusing all of mother nature, and all of our sinus'! Back down to low of 29 on Wednesday.


In other news, 8 weeks until I start school at Portfolio Center! It really feels surreal. It's a weird thing right now not to have the money to pay for it yet, and not sure of how much I will get in student loans yet. Or if there are scholarships available. Had to do my taxes today as the first step.

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