Wednesday, January 23, 2013


When we're in heaven it'll be nice to hang out with every person you've ever known for like a thousand years each. Ha! We'll hang out for thousands of years, no fears, no tears.

When I was little I loved Barbies. I had so many! I had all the accessories too, and loved my friend's babrie house her dad built her. I kept those barbies until I was in 5th grade when my mom told me to give them away to the neighbor girl across the street, because I was too old for them. I gave her most of them, but kept my favorites and hid them in a box under my bed. I couldn't give them away. They were mine and I still loved them, even though I was coming up on 11 years old. Flash forward. When I was 20 I moved out of the house into a new house with a roomate. As I packed up my room, of course that box was still under my bed. I opened it for the first time in I don't know how long. I smiled at them still being there. I packed them up and took them with me. Stuck them back under my bed at my new house, not sure why I felt the need to keep them. Flash forward. Here I am, at 24 and back at home with my parents with that box of babries still under my bed. Woah, what? Yeah. And I don't really know why. It's nastolgic.I have given away most of my other childhood things, excpet kid books, a few games, and things like my childhood diaries and pictures and little things that remind me of being a kid.

If someone were to say, "Here's a $100, you can only spend them on Barbies and their stuff." Well who knows, they probably have cooler ones now! But I wouldn't care, wouldn't be excited about it, wouldn't even want to buy them. If I did, I'd just give them away to a homeless shelter or someone who didn't have many toys because of money. That desire and want is gone. So, in that same way, when we're in heaven all of our earthly desires will be gone. That is beyond my measure of thinking. I'm not talking about not eating food or drinking water, I'm talking about the stuff in your heart that you desire more than anything else in life. Doing without that for eternity? So weird. But I know that as a kid, you can't imagine a day when you would turn down $100 worth of barbies.

And that is all for my random post of the night.

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