Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Discerning the Voice of God

I just started a book last night called, "Discerning the Voice of God," by Priscilla Shirer.

"Do you really think He loved you enough to die for you, but not enough to talk to you?" Of course we know He wants to talk to us...but sometimes I feel a disconect in hearing Him. I feel like a pray a lot and want to hear God, but don't that much. Sometimes it's on specific issues that I need to make decisions in like jobs / careers, what opportunities to take or not take (Kenya vs Slovakia), which place to serve or worship, etc. Other times it's not in things I can personally make deicions in, that only God can make happen, but I don't know how to pray for the right things or if it's in His will or if I'm just praying for selfish things. I've heard of people who said they immediately felt the need to pray for somone or something, and found out later they had been in a car accident or about to drown or something, and a miracle happened where God saved them. Or stories where someone prayed and big things happened, or they felt clarity about something. Do we not tap into the power of prayer more often because we don't know how?

Chapter one of this book is called, "If You're Listening."

"As you enter the house of God, keep your ears open and your mouth shut... After all, God is in heaven, and you are here on earth. So let your words be few." - Ecclesiastes 5:1-2

"The enemy wins a victory every time we let our jam-packed schedules invade the sanctuary of our quiet time with God." I work. I hang out with friends. I read books, watch an TV show or two per week on my computer, I'm on facebook, and I do church stuff. Nothing wrong with any of that. But often times it prevents me from having a real "quiet time." It becomes scattered or random or unplanned. I pray throuhout the day, but I don't pause to listen.

"Reading a verse, saying a prayer, or singing a song may help you feel better about checking 'quiet time' off your to-do-list, but these alone won't help you get what you're after - knowing Him more intimately, uniting with His heart, and receiving His direction for your life."

"Once I'm finished bringing my prepackaged matters to God's attention, instead of ending things there - as though I've dutifully delivered my report to Him and can now go on about my business as usual - I don't. I resist the urge to jump to my feet just because, 'I'm done.' Sure, I might be done, but ... what if God's not? I've gotten a chance to talk - to share with Him what is on my mind. Why should I not at least allow Him the same courtesy?"

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